Some stuff does not work yet. For now it is not ready for production!
But feel free to submit issues on GitHub.
$ bower install hot-table --save
Or download as ZIP.
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
2. Import Custom Element:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/hot-table/hot-table.html">
3. Start using it!
<hot-table datarows="{{ itemsArray }}"></hot-table>
Name of first person: {{ }} | Highlighted row: {{ highlightedRow }}
Name of first person: <strong>{{ }}</strong> | Highlighted row: <strong>{{ highlightedRow }}</strong>
<hot-table width="655" height="295" datarows="{{ people }}" context-menu max-rows="{{ people.length }}"
highlighted-row="{{ highlightedRow }}" class="htLeft">
<hot-column width="30" read-only value="id" header="ID"></hot-column>
<hot-column value="name.first" header="First Name">
<template data-hot-role="renderer" is="dom-template"><span>{{ value }}</span>...</template>
<hot-column width="100" value="name.last" header="Last Name"></hot-column>
<hot-column width="100" type="date" value="date" header="Birthday"></hot-column>
<hot-column value="gender" header="Gender" source="[[ genderSource ]]" type="dropdown"></hot-column>
<hot-column type="numeric" value="age" header="Age"></hot-column>
<hot-column type="checkbox" value="languages.english" header="English" checked-template="Yes"
<hot-column type="checkbox" value="languages.spanish" header="Spanish" checked-template="Yes"
<hot-column type="checkbox" value="languages.french" header="French" checked-template="Yes"
<hot-column type="numeric" value="salary" header="Salary" format="$ 0,0.00"></hot-column>
To install Handsontable PRO follow by this instructions.
Install the component using Bower:
$ bower install hot-table --save
Overwrite handsontable version with handsontable PRO:
$ bower install --save
If you don't have license for Pro yet, please click here for more info.