# Listeners Interface

# Batch

# evaluationResumed

evaluationResumed: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:316 (opens new window)

Occurs when evaluation is resumed.

param the values and location of applied changes


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
  MySheet1: [ ['1'] ],
  MySheet2: [ ['10'] ]

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (changes) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'evaluationResumed' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('evaluationResumed', handler);

// first, suspend evaluation

// now, resume evaluation
// the console prints 'baz' each time evaluation is resumed

// unsubscribe from the 'evaluationResumed' event
hfInstance.off('evaluationResumed', handler);

// suspend evaluation again

// resume evaluation again
// this time, the console doesn't print anything

# Type declaration:

▸ (changes: ExportedChange[]): any


Name Type
changes ExportedChange[]

# evaluationSuspended

evaluationSuspended: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:274 (opens new window)

Occurs when evaluation is suspended.


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
  MySheet1: [ ['1'] ],
  MySheet2: [ ['10'] ]

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = ( ) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'evaluationSuspended' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('evaluationSuspended', handler);

// suspend evaluation
// the console prints 'baz' each time evaluation is suspended

// resume evaluation

// unsubscribe from the 'evaluationSuspended' event
hfInstance.off('evaluationSuspended', handler);

// suspend evaluation again
// this time, the console doesn't print anything

# Type declaration:

▸ (): any

# Named Expression

# namedExpressionAdded

namedExpressionAdded: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:162 (opens new window)

Occurs when a named expression with specified values and location is added.

param the name of added expression

param the values and location of applied changes


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromArray([

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (namedExpressionName, changes) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'namedExpressionAdded' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('namedExpressionAdded', handler);

// add a named expression
// the console prints 'baz' each time a named expression is added
const changes = hfInstance.addNamedExpression('prettyName', '=Sheet1!$A$1+100', 0);

// unsubscribe from the 'namedExpressionAdded' event
hfInstance.off('namedExpressionAdded', handler);

// add another named expression
// this time, the console doesn't print anything
const changes = hfInstance.addNamedExpression('uglyName', '=Sheet1!$A$1+100', 0);

# Type declaration:

▸ (namedExpressionName: string, changes: ExportedChange[]): any


Name Type
namedExpressionName string
changes ExportedChange[]

# namedExpressionRemoved

namedExpressionRemoved: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:202 (opens new window)

Occurs when a named expression with specified values is removed and from an indicated location.

param the name of removed expression

param the values and location of applied changes


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromArray([

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (namedExpressionName, changes) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'namedExpressionRemoved' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('namedExpressionRemoved', handler);

// add some named expressions
hfInstance.addNamedExpression('prettyName', '=Sheet1!$A$1+100', 0);
hfInstance.addNamedExpression('uglyName', '=Sheet1!$A$1+100', 0);

// remove a named expression
// the console prints 'baz' each time a named expression is removed
const changes = hfInstance.removeNamedExpression('prettyName', 0);

// unsubscribe from the 'namedExpressionRemoved' event
hfInstance.off('namedExpressionRemoved', handler);

// remove another named expression
// this time, the console doesn't print anything
const changes = hfInstance.removeNamedExpression('uglyName', 0);

# Type declaration:

▸ (namedExpressionName: string, changes: ExportedChange[]): any


Name Type
namedExpressionName string
changes ExportedChange[]

# Sheet

# sheetAdded

sheetAdded: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:52 (opens new window)

Occurs when a sheet is added anywhere inside the workbook.

param the name of added sheet


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildEmpty();

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (addedSheetDisplayName) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'sheetAdded' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('sheetAdded', handler);

// add a sheet to trigger the 'sheetAdded' event,
// the console prints 'baz' each time a sheet is added

// unsubscribe from the 'sheetAdded' event
hfInstance.off('sheetAdded', handler);

// add a sheet
// this time, the console doesn't print anything

# Type declaration:

▸ (addedSheetDisplayName: string): any


Name Type
addedSheetDisplayName string

# sheetRemoved

sheetRemoved: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:89 (opens new window)

Occurs when a sheet is removed from anywhere inside the workbook.

param the name of removed sheet

param the values and location of applied changes


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
  MySheet1: [ ['=SUM(MySheet2!A1:A2)'] ],
  MySheet2: [ ['10'] ],

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (removedSheetDisplayName, changes) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'sheetRemoved' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('sheetRemoved', handler);

// remove a sheet to trigger the 'sheetRemoved' event,
// the console prints 'baz' each time a sheet is removed

// unsubscribe from the 'sheetRemoved' event
hfInstance.off('sheetRemoved', handler);

// remove a sheet
// this time, the console doesn't print anything

# Type declaration:

▸ (removedSheetDisplayName: string, changes: ExportedChange[]): any


Name Type
removedSheetDisplayName string
changes ExportedChange[]

# sheetRenamed

sheetRenamed: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:126 (opens new window)

Occurs when a sheet is renamed anywhere inside the workbook.

param the old name of a sheet before renaming

param the new name of the sheet after renaming


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
  MySheet1: [ ['=SUM(MySheet2!A1:A2)'] ],
  MySheet2: [ ['10'] ],

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (oldName, newName) => { console.log(`Sheet ${oldName} was renamed to ${newName}`) }

// subscribe to the 'sheetRenamed' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('sheetRenamed', handler);

// rename a sheet to trigger the 'sheetRenamed' event,
// the console prints `Sheet ${oldName} was renamed to ${newName}` each time a sheet is renamed
hfInstance.renameSheet(0, 'MySheet0');

// unsubscribe from the 'sheetRenamed' event
hfInstance.off('sheetRenamed', handler);

// rename a sheet
// this time, the console doesn't print anything
hfInstance.renameSheet(1, 'MySheet1');

# Type declaration:

▸ (oldDisplayName: string, newDisplayName: string): any


Name Type
oldDisplayName string
newDisplayName string

# Values

# valuesUpdated

valuesUpdated: function

Defined in src/Emitter.ts:237 (opens new window)

Occurs when values in a specified location are changed and cause recalculation.

param the values and location of applied changes


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromArray([
  ['1', '2', '=A1'],

// define a function to be called when the event occurs
const handler = (changes) => { console.log('baz') }

// subscribe to the 'valuesUpdated' event, pass the handler
hfInstance.on('valuesUpdated', handler);

// trigger recalculation, for example, with the 'setCellContents' method
// the console prints 'baz' each time a value change triggers recalculation
const changes = hfInstance.setCellContents({ col: 3, row: 0, sheet: 0 }, [['=B1']]);

// unsubscribe from the 'valuesUpdated' event
hfInstance.off('valuesUpdated', handler);

// trigger another recalculation
// this time, the console doesn't print anything
const changes = hfInstance.setCellContents({ col: 3, row: 0, sheet: 0 }, [['=A1']]);

# Type declaration:

▸ (changes: ExportedChange[]): any


Name Type
changes ExportedChange[]